Ukraine’s Jewish President Said Males Aged 18-60 Are Banned From Leaving the Country, but If You Didn’t Already Know, That Order Exempts Jews

Neighboring Moldovan Jews are ready with fleets of busses, food, and pre-rented hotels for their co-ethnics while White Gentiles (who aren’t allowed agency anywhere in the world) are forced to stay behind and die. “In the Jewish community we have contingency plans to accept refugees in the west if people need to leave” said Ukraine’sContinueContinue reading “Ukraine’s Jewish President Said Males Aged 18-60 Are Banned From Leaving the Country, but If You Didn’t Already Know, That Order Exempts Jews”

Trump Predicts 9/11-Style Attack and Mass Migration of Refugees

A series of poor decisions by the Biden administration in the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan has led to the failure to rescue American citizens and allies, the US abandoning $88-billion in US weapons to the Taliban, the release of Afghani and ISIS prisoners who are on terror watch lists, importing over 100,000 mostlyContinueContinue reading “Trump Predicts 9/11-Style Attack and Mass Migration of Refugees”


The return of the Taliban to power will be one more signpost of the end of the American empire — and nobody will be held accountable. The debacle in Afghanistan, which will unravel into chaos with lightning speed over the next few weeks and ensure the return of the Taliban to power, is one moreContinueContinue reading “THE COLLECTIVE SUICIDE MACHINE”

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim

The war in Afghanistan is over! Long live the war in Afghanistan! Yes, in case you haven’t heard, the US Armed Forces are withdrawing from Afghanistan at the end of the month, and NATO’s “Resolute Support” mission—which took over from the NATO combat mission that ended in 2014—will wind up at the same time. AndContinueContinue reading ““Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim”

Drugmakers Funnel Millions To Lawmakers; A Few Dozen Get $100,000-Plus

Before the midterm elections heated up, dozens of drugmakers had already poured about $12 million into the war chests of hundreds of members of Congress. Since the beginning of last year, 34 lawmakers have each received more than $100,000 from pharmaceutical companies. Two of those — Reps. Greg Walden of Oregon, a key Republican committeeContinueContinue reading “Drugmakers Funnel Millions To Lawmakers; A Few Dozen Get $100,000-Plus”

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