Edward Snowden’s Shocking Revelations On Bitcoin Are Everything

You don’t need to buy Bitcoin to feel its impact

Shock Therapy: How Austerity and Privatisation Destroy Nations

Politicians from rich countries have tried to forcefully ‘persuade’ other countries to use an extreme economic system with few public services and very little regulation of big companies. This is usually called neoliberalism. The rights of big business and investors have priority over everything else. Public and community interests are ignored. People’s lives, their health,ContinueContinue reading “Shock Therapy: How Austerity and Privatisation Destroy Nations”

G7 Leaders to Agree Anti-Coal, Anti-Car, and Carbon-Cutting Targets

Why don’t they just say, “anti-people?”
And maybe they could add on “pro-slavery.”

Russia Wising Up And Turning Toward Gold For National Wealth Fund

Going for gold: Russia to eliminate US dollar from sovereign wealth fund THIS MONTH amid warning of politics sabotaging currency

Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails

It might sound like “US exceptionalism” to point this out (…and how very dare I), but even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they can’t secure and subjugate the American people. As I’ve noted many times in the past, most of the worldContinueContinue reading “Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails”

Robert W. Sullivan IV

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